Two years from when???
A recently divorced friend of mine (who read all the books) told me recently that "they" say you shouldn't get into another relationship for two years afterwards. I said, "After what? After you tell your husband you're leaving? After you run away from home? After you file for divorce? Or after the divorce is final?" Two years from when??? (Not that I am looking for anything or anyone at this stage.) I just don't think "they" are clear.
On another
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Still looking for a job but have decided that I need to go back to the college town from which I moved. I cannot find a job here, and even if I could, I cannot afford to live in the "big city." So I will be moving back to College Town USA in a month or two. Wish me luck. I am pretty tired of being unrooted (not uprooted), uncertain, and on shaky ground. It will feel good to be settled although I doubt I will ever feel settled ever again. (Friends assure me I will one day. "When?" I ask. Perhaps in two years.) Ok, there goes the melo-drama again. My sister has been so wonderful to me for letting me stay here while I am regrouping and recouping, but I have to find a job. Pray for me to find a job. (I have already found a condo to rent and will be moving again in August.)
This is not the way I thought things would turn out, but I continue to be thankful for good health and wonderful supportive friends and family.
Labels: Divorce, Transition