Has a month really gone by?
Snow Wonders reminded me last night that I had not posted in a while. Is August almost over and, subsequently, my month-long celebration of ME??? Hell no. My big party isn't until Sept 8 (drop by if you're in town... I'm just not telling you which town.) so the celebrating continues. I can't believe I have adoring fans who check in every once in a while to see if I am still alive, but it appears I do... and I have let them down. Hope this wrap up of August thrills you silly. Sorry it is a long post, but a lot has happened since the old broad turned 50.
The week after my birthday brought my girls home. Of course, the apartment was way too small for us physically and emotionally so the girls fled to far corners, but not before we lost electricity that first night. (And if it had been St. Louis, we would not have gotten power back for 4 more days, but it came back on within 2 hours.) So what do you do in the dark? Well, first we lit candles and then we counted tampons (making sure not to get the candles too close to the tampons). Yep, you read that right. See, my daughters work at a rich girls' camp in Maine during the summer with hundreds of little Paris Hilton's, Britney Spears, and Lindsey Lohan's So it only makes sense that they come back with bootie (as in treasures, not big butts). One year is was Juicy Coutre pants, another summer it was a lifetime supply of Victoria Secret bras, and this year is was the largest Ziplock bag of tampons. See, these girls can't be bothered
I forgot to tell you that my former roommate (F.R.) is fostering 5 kittens and their Kitty Momma. They were born on July 27th in her backyard, but the momma was trying to move them back to the home where her owners had abandoned her so they were left to fry on the concrete... until my friend rescued them so do not fear. The Humane Society asked her to foster them (because they had 130 kittens) until they were ready for adoption in 8 weeks (en

Some sad news. My F.R. had to have her wonderful 13-yr-old old golden put down last week when it was discovered she had melanoma of the throat. It was, perhaps, one of the saddest experences I have ever been a part of, but I could not let her go through it alone. Daisy would not get into the car without her friend Roxie so I had to go along to hold Roxie in the waiting room while Nancy held Daisy in her arms. (Thanks to the woman in the waiting room who handed me her handkerchief as there was not a dry eye in the place. Daisy was rescued by the F.R. when she (Daisy, not my roommate) was abandoned by her former owner after years of letti

Ok, finally, last night was a balloon race in town, and there

I moved to my 3rd place since I have moved to this town. A one-room (not one-bedroom) basement apartment. It's what I can afford while still paying the mortgage. I continue to practice my swimming strokes. Arms, legs, breathing, face in the water... ugggH! Who can remember everything?? But the end of the month will find me... ooops, can't tell you. Just know, I am leaving town for the weekend and doing the happy dance. The house hasn't sold (On your knees NOW. everybody start praying.). But the divorce is getting closer and closer. Soon, I have been told. A year ago this week I was driving home in tears, gripping the wheel and trying to figure out how to tell my husband of 27 years that I was leaving him. And look at me now. Swimming, counting tampons, working a dream job, watching kitties grow, traveling out of town for a fabulous weekend. Whoda thunk??
Labels: daughters, dogs, happy dance, kitties, uncoupling