Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Happy Blogiversary To Me

Can you believe it's been a year since I started this? And although I had been reading other people's blogs for a while, I finally hit one that wouldn't take anonymous comments so I had to bite the bullet, take the plunge, do the deed. I have had fun with this blog and have "met" some incredible people. It's a strange world that I dare say others in my family would think nutty. But who cares what others think, right? It's all for us, right?

I can't believe I have had that many hits although I know half of them are me checking my blog (and the comments). I wish there was a way to discern the difference. But then I might be depressed that there were only 800 hits instead of 8000. Looks like I'm my biggest fan.

Although I'm not the greatest at figuring out the things to the right, you can now click on 100 Things About Me and learn a little but more about the Redhead Editor if you can read through it. I also included the ENFP personality type which is so spokingly close to me. Enjoy.


At 7:42 AM, Blogger Leesa said...

Happy Blogiversary Woman!!

At 8:33 PM, Blogger Marianna said...

WOOHOO! Happy Blogiversary!


At 8:44 PM, Blogger Diann said...

Happy blogiversary to you! Been out of commission lately but new year's resolution #1 is to start blogging again. Glad you're out there.

At 12:11 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Congratulations on a successful year of blogging. I got into blogging the same way and am having fun-surprisingly.
Happy New Year and Happy Blogiversary!


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